Paving Stones and Slabs
Paving Stone + HydraPressed Slabs
Paving Stone + HydraPressed Slabs
Paving Stones and HydraPressed Slabs are excellent for high traffic areas since they are known for their incredible durability compared to a concrete slab.
These types of systems are made up of many individual pieces that interlock together. This makes for a flexible system that is extremely durable and much less susceptible to cracking. If repairs are required, due to damage, staining, or shifting, repairs and replacement is simple. Paving stones are ideal for areas with vehicle traffic whereas HydraPressed Slabs are typically intended for foot traffic areas such as patios and pathways. Although some manufactures are now starting to offer larger slabs rated for vehicle traffic. Like paving stones, HydraPressed slabs can be installed on a sand base or mortar base, but unlike pavers they can also be installed on pedestal systems for patios, decks, and roof tops. We are certified Techo-Pro to install all Techo-Bloc products including the beautifully crafted modern patio slabs, pavers, and retaining walls. The use of a concrete sealer every two to three years is recommended to extend the life of your hard surfaces, protect against staining and for the aesthetic appeal as well.