Yard Angel Nomination Form

WELCOME!  Thank-you for wanting to help someone in need! 

Please complete this form to nominate someone to receive our Yard Angel service.   ALL questions MUST be answered, or the form will not submit. 

Your information is required, so that we may contact you for additional information as required and to let you know if your nominee has been chosen.  Nominee information is required to ensure they meet our criteria, and so we know where to send our Yard Angels!   A Nominee will be chosen based on why you think they deserve our Yard Angel service, so make it compelling! 

If we chose your Nominee, we contact you to let you know, and advise when our Creative Roots Yard Angels will descend upon and complete a yard maintenance miracle at their home.

Please be assured we respect privacy and confidentiality.  We will take photos and or videos of our Yard Angels at work to share.  We feel that by sharing our community contributions in news and social media we will encourage others to do more.